Best Camera for Macro Photography

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I’m often asked what the “best” camera is for “X” type of photography, which is like answering, “what’s the best place to eat for lunch?”.  Depends. But I have actually come to rely on what I think is the “best” camera for macro photography. And not just the camera, but…

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vinageroon giant whip scorpion arizona Mastigoproctus giganteus

The Vinegaroon: A Salad with Frankenstein

By | All, Bugs & Insects | No Comments

The Giant Whip Scorpion is an Arachnid, but is only distantly related to true Scorpions. It has neither a venomous sting or bite. It has 4 sets of legs, but the front legs have developed into extremely long, rotating antennae. The Vinageroon hunts arthropods including Crickets, Cockroaches and smaller Scorpions….

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